We are quite a bit short of our goal; it is not fo lack of trying, here is what we have done so far:
We hosted a gala in March that made us $1600.00
Have raffled off restaurant gift cards at work, and sold pies at Christmas and Thanksgiving
Have done a TAG day at the LCBO
Have had a table selling stuff at the "Float your Fanny Down the Ganny Race"in Port Hope
Just had a booth at the St Jacobs Farmer's Market yesterday
and have one more TAG day at a local Wal-Mart next Saturday (we are hopig will get us a few hundred)
BUT we are still very far away from our goal of $5000.00 ($2500.00 each) so please if anyone has any unapplied donations and you are at your goal already we could really use your help!
We made over $300.00 at Wal-Mart and they are going to turn that into $600.00, in 10 days i get to go back and get a cheque from them that will be applied to our team. The money will come in after the RTCC but I am pretty sure we have some time after the ride to get any remaining donations in.