Hi: I'm looking for another female to share the cost of a hotel room in Hamilton on June 9th. Please contact me if you have a room you would like to share. Thanks. Jane
I don't qualify on the female qualification, but I can offer you a room. I booked one of the new two-bedroom residences at Mohawk, planning to share the accommodation with my brother-in-law. He is not able to make the ride, so now his room is available. I have to go to a wedding celebration near Guelph Saturday night and didn't want to disturb a tent-mate upon my return.
i would like to stay in a hotel room, especially one that is on the Mohawk college campus. i have had no luck the past years to book any hotel room (too late to make reservation). i am planning to stay in a B&B which is 10k away from the campus. i would love to stay in a hotel or share a hotel room with another rider.
may i know if there is any chance to share or occupy the hotel room that you have mentioned. if yes, how do we make arrangement or have the mohawk residence reception notified about a new occupant.