I've singed up for the "classic" route. The most I've ever cycled is 60km. Does anyone have a schedule written out for January-June that they can share with me via email?
I am starting spinning classes on Tuesday nights in January (January-March), plan to cycle on the trainer on Sunday's and run 2-3 times per week. My question is, how do I build up my distance on the trainer? I know I will need to build up the distance on the trainer but I also know that you can't keep increasing the distance without having some weeks where you scale back... I have some injuries that are repetitive so I need to be careful about this.
I will be doing my training indoors from January-March and starting to cycle outdoors in March. If anyone has a schedule they can email me that shows how they are buiding up their distance on the trainer and where they are scaling back, that would be much appreciated. I've created a month by month calendar so I just need to pencil in the specifics.
With biking there is less impact stress compared to running so the 10% rule in running doesnt really apply. You dont want to make HUGE weekly increases but its less important than in running.
go to beginnertriathele.com then programs. There are a number of biking plans or you might even search in google for duathlon plans as you run and bike.