Last night during my spin along the MGT I rode past these suckers,
They're the new "Bixi" rental bikes and they were parked on Lakeshore just west of Spadina.
I was very surprised to see them as i thought they were only in Europe. Here's a shot of the pay station. I believe they can be rented by the hour and/or day and season passes are also available. Pretty cool!
Did a ride down the Don trail system and along lakeshore on Sunday and saw 15 or 20 people out on these things. I have to say I'm impressed with the rate of use I'm seeing.
In Montreal you see people in suits using them to get to meetings. When there are more stations I could certainly see using them to get from say Bay and Dundas to King and Bay for example.
I think the annual membership for unlimited usage is around $100. That is 4-5 times in a parking lot downtown.