As you all can relate, getting outside and ttraining this season has beeen somewhat difficult this spring. So I guess, like many, I have become quite fond of my trainer ( can anyone sense the sarcasm here).
So what I have come up with to raise funds is a 12 hour ride in front of a local restaurant that I work at. My plan is to ride on my trainer from 12 noon to 12 midnight. I will be resting 10 mins of every hour. Its called the "Wheel in Motion" 12 Hour Marathon.
May 14th anyone in the Newmarket area please stop in and say hi at the Jack Astors located just north of Davis Drive/ Hwy 9. Better yet if anyone would like to ride a portion of this ride with me contact me and we can discuss this. I know its pretty ambitious but hey this whole Conquest is ambitous.
Again anyone out there wants to lend support and get in a training ride for the cause contact me at I would love the support (and company for that matter)