On January 23 there is a new indoor riding training class led by Robin and Michael Buyers at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (Bloor and Spadina), Spin Centre on the lower level. It will be geared for riders preparing for spring and summer charity rides, particularly a group training for the RTCC. Newbies encouraged to come, and experienced riders too.
Time: 3-4:30, Sunday Afternoons, for 12 weeks, last class April 10th
Cost: $150.00 for members, $200 for non members
Registration: Allow 1/2 an hour ahead of your first class to get changed, fill outpaperwork. Non-members will have use of change rooms, showers and other facilities at the J while they are there, but not weight training facilities.
Instructors: Robin Buyers, CORE Indoor Cycling I and II certified, assisted by Michael Buyers, CORE Indoor Cycling II certified and a still-active age group category (60+) mountain bike racer.
to support participants training for long distance charity rides such as the Ride to Conquer Cancer
to teach efficient pedal mechanics and cycling-specific kinetics
to build the strength, endurance, and mental toughness required to ride outdoors comfortably for 3 or more hours
Program Outline
Weeks 1 to 6: Focus on aerobic base building, with an emphasis on training at a fast cadence with efficient pedal mechanics. Single leg drills and spin ups will be included, and training zones by both perceived rate of exertion and lactate heart rate zones will be taught.
Weeks 7 to 12: Focus on strength and power, with an emphasis on "hill repeat" drills in the saddle and tempo riding at or just below lactate threshold heart rates.
Participants will also receive guidance on the importance of on-the-bike nutrition and hydration to endurance cycling, cycling-specific off-the-bike training and stretching, and the southern Ontario summer and fall charity ride schedule.