I totally hit the snooze button too many times and unfortunately tried signing up today to notice the ride is already full :( my girlfriend and i are both interested in joining the ride and are willing to pay you more than what you paid for your spot if you are looking to back out or if you cant make it for whatever reason. Please email me at info@suite22.ca I like in the city and can meet you and pay you cash for your spot...its our first year in Toronto and were really looking forward to doing this together.
fingers crossed...if not then good luck to everyone!!!
Just curious....were you able to take over someone's spot? I had an injured friend who wanted to give his spot to another rider and he was told it wasn't transferable.
I would be happy to speak to the organizers about taking over your friend's spot, and will happily cover the cost of her entry. please email me sbm009@gmail.com Shrikesh
The Ride overbooks so that dropouts and fundraisers who don't make the minimum are accounted for. They won't let you sub out for a registered rider. Best you can do is raise money and ride under their name, which obviously isn't ideal. Of course, you could come out and cheer on the finishers at the Falls on Sunday and sign up for next year right away!