So I'm a first-time rider, and I have never had to raise such a big sum of money as I've taken on with this event.
I organized a Toronto-wide charity concert, in hopes of raising the full $2500 in one night, but only ended up raising $1100! At this point, I'm feeling pretty hopeless, and have been going door-to-door, but that hasn't been going too great.
I'm still a highschool student, and I'll be graduating, so it's been tough trying to raise money, with exams and uni apps. I have about $800 left to go, and my mom thinks no one will be willing to donate after the ride, so she says I should just give in what I have fundraised, and not ride...
If anyone is willing to help in any way possible! Or has any ideas, please let me knoww!
Hi, Ahsan. Ultimately, only you can decide whethere to ride or not. Like OFlarety, I don't think you should give in - maybe compromise instead. If you decide not to ride, how about volunteering or perhaps crewing.
I was supposed to ride last year but had a skiing accident & couldn't. So instead of riding, I volunteered. I was fortunate in that they found me spots where I was in Toronto for the start, at Hamilton for the Day-1 portion & in Niagara for the end. I still got to be part of all the major components and never cycled any of it
I've been sending out facebook messages for the longest time, but I've found people don't donate unless you personally show up to their door-steps! I don't know how I'd use Youtube though.
And thanks for the tips Susan, but I've looked forward to this too much to not ride now!
Does anyone have any contacts that are still looking to donate, that they don't mind sending over my way? :)
You could do the delayed self pledge....that would give you a extra 60 days I think to raise the funds! Whatever you dont raise will come off your credit card. Maybe you could come to an agreement with your parents.
I was aware of that option, but they don't want me doing the delayed self pledge, because no one will want to donate once the ride is over... And they can't afford to pay the rest of the funds.
Hi Ahsan, raising this money is a tough battle for many, but a little innovation and the job can be done. Remember, friends your age tend to donate small amounts of money and most tend to give something for something. As the amount seems like a large sum, getting $100 or more means hitting up the people you know with that kind of money to fork out. Parents may help a little, Uncles and Aunts may help a little. Your family doctor, dentist, lawyer, teachers, people that do business with any family members, guidance councellors, etc. Remember to stress how many people get cancer, how important their help is and that you need their donations in order to ride for this great cause, mention about taxable write-offs. Also, first and foremost remember to be grateful for any amounts and remember to let them know how important their donation is to fighting the cause when you thank them. Hope that helps.
Try seeing if you can set up a booth at school, have a pizza party (I raised over 500 with that), time to get creative - get your community behind you, and make it fun - they'll tend to give more if you make it fun! Keep chugging along, and don't give up. I haven't and I broke both arms in October and was told that I wouldn't use my arms again, but here I am. You'll get there, just believe in yourself.
Don't let this get you down, I have doing the ride since the beginning and can't wait to hit the road again.
Raising the money is not the hard part. Asking for it is the hard part
You got off to a great start so move on
Try this, call the ride office and ask if you can get a poster for the ride, probably cost you $20 tops.
Take your bike and your riding gear and park yourself out front of a local beer, liquor or grocery store. Pick a place where there is lots of traffic and where people have access to easy change or cash!
Talk to the manager first to get permission you will hardly get refused.
All you need to do then is be friendly, say hi, tell your short story and collect the cash.
I bet in three weekends your done.
I have seen people do this ride with one leg, people who are blind, cancer survivors, people in way worse situations than you. Trust me you have it way easier!!!
How about organizing a Wii tournament with your friends?? If you don't have a Wii, I'm sure one of your friends does. Invite your friends, make teams, compete against each other, etc. Make it fun. Charge $10 - $15 for the tickets and provide pop and chips (Costco is cheap for things like this). I'm sure your friends will support you. You may not raise a huge amount but, little by little it adds up! I have been turned down by some stores but other stores will let you stand at the door and ask, this is a good way too!