Does anyone have a banner with the Ride to Conquer Cancer that we would be able to borrow for a fundraising event next weekend? Please contact me at if you have one and do not need it right now or ...I guess willing to lend it out.
Hey Michelle, Sorry, i don't have a banner like that but have also been trying to scoop one for a couple of our events. If you do get a hold of one, could you please let me know, contact info etc; we can move it around between teams. actually, I will look into that; It would be a great thing for teams to be able to access a banner and share it s needed! will let you know if I come up with something :) BTW: did you check with the ride guides? Cheers!
Try calling the Ride office. They have all sorts of promotional stuff, so maybe they have a banner to lend out. Keep in mind you'll probably have to sign off your right arm as security.
ya the office has one but they use it for orientation of the ride. Too bad....but maybe something to look into if you are into signing up for the ride with your team every year.
We are looking into having something made ..but it will have our team name on it...( i think )
We have tv people coming out to our event and it would have been nice to have something there but oh well ....going to have to be creative as it is this weekend.