I bought a Devinci road bike last year and will be using it for the Ride in June. The Goodlife in town has a few spinning classes, but I'm thinking of getting a trainer to use in my basement. I've never use done before - any recommendations for features or even specific models?
i'm sure with equipment you will get all kinds of opinions...none are wrong it's just personal preference and experience. There are about 10 guys at my work doing triathlon and we use the Tacx Flow trainers at work. They are smooth and have been doing the job for us for the last 4 years. There is a digital readout that clips on to your bars that gives you cadence, watts, speed, mileage etc....if i'm not mistaken they go for around $350ish...check out tacx.com for further info.....hope this helps. Marksy
I bought a CycleOps fluid trainer this year and think it is great. The only thing it lacks is motivation! That is where spinning classes are better in my opinion.
Thanks for the tips... I decided that with only a couple of cold months to go, spinning classes at the gym are a better deal than investing in the trainer. Now if only I could find someplace to pick up some motivation!
Well, I occasionally use my trainer and attend 2 spinning classes a week, but you want motivation? I've decided on the road winter training works the best for me. It's like the "Rocky" mentality with the less than desireable elements you're forced to concentrate even harder and by the time you get warmed up you've done 20k!
Hey, Spinning classes will not leave you in the dust; you work at your own pace, but the group, the music and the instructor all work to motivate you to work harder than you otherwise would (unless you are very disciplined). Since you control you tension and cadence, you do not need to blow yourself out of the water. I recommend you just try a class; it is a great workout and you can challenge yourself when you are ready.
On the indoor trainer subject; I use the virtual reality training videos (Robbie Ventura); put the video on and train along with the riders on the screen; Makes me feel like I am riding along with them and I definitely work hard to keep up with the people on the screen. Much better than listening to music or watching a show while on the trainer. Maximizes the workout. For anyone interested, I use a CycleOps Fluid2 trainer; it is great!
Hey ElaKuz, if you live in Toronto, the west end to be specific, RPM on Bloor (beside High Park) is a great place to spin and I believe they have discounts for "riders". The classes are small enough that the instructor can help one on one.
I have been doing spin classes since January and I thought the same way until I went to a class and told the instructor that it was my first time, she helped me set my bike up and encouraged me the whole way through the class. I now do them 3 times a week.