Hey, One of my team mates, Rich Drydak, is an RTCC training ride leader; if you need info on training rides, feel free to contact him at rhdrydak@sympatico.ca . You may also be interested in the cycling and nutrition seminars which he has organized for new riders as well. So, give Rich a shout, he will be happy to help you! Cheers!
I am planning a hilly ride of about 2 hours duration on either Saturday April 4th or on Sunday the 5th. If you haven't been climbing, it will be a thigh and hamstring burner. We will tailor the pace and distance to the weakest rider as the point is to train not race.
We can meet at Starbucks at Dundas and Appleby at 10:00 am.
The conditions are far less than perfect but I still plan to ride unless it gets unsafe. The length of the ride can certainly be altered as conditions dictate. I will be there.
Well, that was a somewhat brutal challenge today. The wind wasn't kind to us except for a quick trip home. Thanks for coming out Mark. See you again in better conditions.
Hey Mark, I am busy Friday/Saturday but am ok with Sunday if you are up to that.
On another note, Bicycle Works has a lightly used Cyclocross bike priced at 900 dollars if you are interested. It's a Specialized Tricross Sport. Primarily Shimano Tiagra with a triple chain ring. It also has upgraded knobby 700/28 tires which would be perfect for the rail trails. Decent bike for not a lot of money. Medium frame.
Only 8 or 9 weekend rides left until D-Day. I have a pretty free schedule at the moment and plan to ride most days this week around noon. If anyone wants to ride along, let me know. jatodon@gmail.com
The Burlington riders are very quiet these days. Is everyone still training and do you need any help with fundraisers? I have a bit of time on my hands right now and am willing to help out if needed.
Hey all. I'll be riding for the first time this year. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get down there without my car. I'm in the Aldershot area and was looking at the GO schedule and there is a bus that leaves at 5:45 (@ Union for 7 - skips exhibition) and a train at 7:08AM (@ exhibition for 8). I've done the online check in and i'm guessing that I'll only need to drop my bag of. Do you think I will have enough time to do that and get close to the front of the start :) ?????
Hey There - 5:45 is probably better as I think opening ceremonies start at 8am. the ride from union to Exhibition is easily done along Front to Bathurst, going south on Bathurst to Fort York and Fort York to Fleet, etc (approx 15 min). See the link for exact directions:
Just from experience last year, we got to the event around the time of the opening cerimonies and we were at the very back of the pack. If you looking to get near the front and your by yourself then you might be able to work your way forward but it might just be better to wait until it starts and then move with the pack and when you get onto the open road then start moving forward.
I think it took us about 5-10 minutes to get through the start gate.
Just read the Rider`s Guide...it states that all rider`s should be present by 7:15. I think you`ll be better off with the early train.
On another note, what is the deal with camping out? We don`t need to bring a sleeping bag or pillow do we? What else should I be bringing with me for this? Just a back pack with some clothes? Do I need to bring snacks, water during the ride? Will I be dropping my back pack off or will I need to bring this during the ride so that I have my spare tubes with me? IDK...just as we get closer to it, I`m starting to feel unprepared...
Camping out is exactly what you think it is! You will need bring everything! Sleeping bag, pillow, air mattress. Also, bring ear plugs!!!! The tents are about 6" away from each other and if you stuck next to a snorer like we were last year you will be thankfull you have them. We are going to a hotel this year.
As for water and snacks, don't worry about that, there is plenty of it on the route. One stop last year even had a candy section!!! As for your backpack it is up to you, if you get a flat then you will want that in order to change it but there are sweep vechicles driving up and down the route to help you out and you can even buy tubes from them but they only accept CASH so remember to bring some on the ride with you.
Does anyone have exact times that we will be beginning the rides each day, more importantly, when we will be leaving the campgrounds in Hamilton? Just trying to plan out rides.
And I'm guessing if I have to pick up my Jersey and such I will be doing this at the check-in?
On Saturday the opening ceremonies are at 8am and ran for about 10-15 minutes last year. On Sunday they will open the route at about 7-8am. I heard some rumors from last year that someone got out onto the route early and was at the finish line at 8:30 in the morning calling the office hotline asking where his bags were??? In fact I think my wife and I ran into him when we were heading to the washrooms at 4:30am.