feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I believe they will probably be sent out in a month or so free of charge ... assuming you have met your minimum $2500 fundraising target.
If i remember correctly thats how last year worked
That's the way its worked all the other years I've participated. There are training jerseys available in the General Store on the RTCC web site ( https://www.madetoorder.com/rideto/ProductList.aspx?CategoryID=47 ). As far as I know, the participant jerseys have never been offered for sale.
Online registration has just opened, so if you have raised your $2500.00 the package will be shipped to your house once online registration has been completed.
An add-on to Smoke14's comment: If you reach your minimum $2500 within the last couple of weeks before the ride, your jersey will be waiting for you at check-in instead of being mailed to you so that they can make sure you get it in time.
There is usually a store at camp where they sell logoware. Perhaps there will be some there. You can always call the ride office - they'd be able to tell you.
Last year I requested a L jersey, and it's kind of big on me now. RTCC sent me a L again this year and I was hoping to request a M (no option that I saw, maybe I missed it). Will the Jersey Exchange booth be there again? :)
I'm sure it will - they have to do exchanges every year & I assume having a tent there is the easiest & most economical way for them. But, if you want to be absolutely sure, call the Ride office.