I have packed and I have a duffle with everything I need, My Sleeping bag and Roll are in seperate garbage Bags. Any advice how I can keep these topgether?
I am as well organized as I can be, but no way with all the extra gear incase of weather I have room for my bedding in my bag.
Bill, I don't stay at camp, but I have done the Weekend to End Breast Cancer in the past & stayed at camp there. I wrapped the roll inside my sleeping bag & then I used bungy cords to secure the sleeping bag to my dufflebag.
The luggage is placed in collection areas at camp - usually in the same area as your tent. If you mark your sleeping bag & roll with a luggage tag of some kind, it should make it's way with your dufflebag.
Thanks Herbie for the tip. I ended up using a ratcheting strap like you would use to hold thins on a trailer. I had a smaller one that I hooked to the handles of the duffle and wrapped it around the roll and sleeping bag. It seems to have worked well. Just hard to get in to if I need anything from the bag. I mad tags that had the same info as my ride id tag they sent me. I should be good. all in one carry.