It's a beautiful day for a LCBO Tag Day! We're off to one in Markham - 219 Main Street (Hwy 48, north of Hwy 7). If you out & about today and have the time to drop by, please do so. We usually make a day of it so should be there until 5 - 6 p.m.
Our Tag Day went very well - made over $800 (which is being split between 2 of us). LCBO customers are very generous
I don't think there was anything that didn't work We arrive early & stay until we're too tired to stay any longer! I dress in my riding gear & make sure I have donation forms with me - although no has ever asked for a receipt but I want to be prepared just in case. I also take a copy of my participation letter - again, just in case. I always have something to give out - yellow ribbons and Werther's (usually). And we ask e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e!! Some people will give without being asked; some won't give when asked and some will make a trip out to their car for that loose coin. And we always, always say thank you. This time, I also had my bike with me - although we never did set it up - it just hung from the rack on my car.
Good luck with your tag day. Let us know how it goes.
I have done the Tag Days also at LCBO. Herbie has the right idea.
Another idea is when you tell people what you are doing, some will say no Thank-you. As they are walking away, just say "well perhaps on your way out of the store". Inevitably, poeple who had not intended to give anything, emptied their pockets of change. We made over $1400 in one day.
This is so exciting! I have my tag day at the Lakeshore and Trafalgar location on the same day as my fundraiser so I won't be able to stay the whole night, but I'm aiming to stay until 5pm... From open until 5... I hope I don't miss out on the busiest time...
Positivity is NOT about being soft.
It's about being SMART!
You suckkaaaaaaa! ;)