If anyone finds pictures of the M200 route on either day I'd like to know where they are. From first glance it looks as though all the pictures of from the 200k route.
I also noticed that he stopped taking finish line photos REALLY early in the day. According to the date stamps on the pictures, there were no more photos taken after around 1 pm. We came in around 2:30 and we left the site around 4 and there were STILL riders coming in. I appreciate that he can't be there for every last rider, but 1 pm seems like a pretty early day.
Given that the massage therapists cut out relatively early as well (several people noted that on another thread) it creates the disturbing notion that the you needed to be there early in order to get noticed.
I've been trying to emphasize over and over to my team and my donors that it is a RIDE, not a RACE. I think it would be appreciated if the organizers recognized this as well and planned to provide services accordingly. People who finish early aren't the only ones who had to work hard to cross the line.
Well, seeing how my sister and I were first time riders and not exactly ahead of the pack, I was glad I found one picture of us out of the thousands. LOL!