I've been avoiding the rain and staying in, but now we're down to the last few weeks I think I've just gotta bite the bullet and get wet while training!
Good ride this morning (Sat) a little damp and very humid but no rain until after I finished at 1. Tomorrow though I think I am off to spin class and by the looks of it the rest of the week too.
i don't mean to be the rude one.. but SUCK it up and get out there and ride in the rain... a simple reminder of why we're doing this and what everyone with cancer has to go through EVERY DAY!
biked in the rain on a 80k ride today, rained on and off, got very wet, dried, wet again.
Don't feel bad - my husband ran the Goodlife half marathon this morning in the rain (in 2 hours and 1 minute), and I had to push a stroller with our son to the end to watch him finish. At least I wasn't alone in waiting in the rain!
In a related story, I will be spending this evening painstakingly cleaning my tires, wheels, sprockets, brakes, derailleurs and chain.... and then re-applying oil so that my bike will stop making that horrible grinding sound caused by all the dirt and mud and crud that covered it on that 65k ride. I'm not sure what's going to take longer... the 65k ride, or the clean-up after it.
Well MB, if it's any consolation I'll be spending tomorrow doing the same thing. I was out riding with Kristo yesterday and things got pretty messy. Oh well, all part of the training I guess...