I just got into cycling to prepare for the K200 in a couple weeks, and I'm really getting excited for it. One thing I'm not excited about is the numbness I feel in my fingers after a long ride. I'm pushing 300 pounds and mostly notice the numbness after longer rides (80 km+).
I had my handlebars adjusted a little bit upwards and try to move my hands around as much as I can when I'm out. Does anyone have any tips for hand positioning or other things that would help me get rid of this?
Thanks! See you all at the Ride!
------------------------------- Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda
Get to a bike shop and get the gloves sized for you and ones with the best gel padding, over the ulnar nerve on heel and out edge of hands. They'll set you right at a reputable shop.
Never Give Up; Never Surrender! Strength in Numbers. Livestrong!
Thanks for that. I live in a smaller city (Kingston) and have checked out a couple bike shops here so far, but I'm not sure how much selection they have in town. Positioning-wise, is there anything I can do?
------------------------------- Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda
Sounds like you are placing too much weight on your hands. Make sure you bike is fitted to you so that you remove as much pressure as possible. Core exercises will help relieve this as well. Strong core is very often overlooked.
Move your hand position frequently and shake your hands out once in a while.
I've been trying to sit up more as I ride to take the weight off my hands, and that's helped a bit. Icing my wrists when I get home has sped up recovery too so far.
------------------------------- Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda
Your seat maybe tilted forward, even slightly which increases the load on your arms. If you can't get your bike professionally fitted use a level to make sure your seat is level.
It also helps if you take a quick break while you're riding, just to shrug your shoulders and to stretch one arm at a time down towards the ground & rotate your hands and wiggle your fingers.
Also, whenever you stop riding, stretch one arm out in front of you with your fingers together, palm facing the ground. With the opposite hand, gently press your fingers down so your palm faces you and fingers are towards the ground. Release and then gently press your fingers up so your pals faces forward and fingers are to the sky.
If I haven't explained these well enough, feel free to email me!
I recently read an article that described this issue. I too have experienced numbness on the outside of the last two fingers, so I read the article with keeness.
In short, according to the article, numbness on the outside of the fingers is likely being caused by your hand position, relative to your forearm being in a horizontal position, is such that your wrist is kinked up and back towards your shoulders.
Numbness on the inside of the fingers is likely being caused by your hand position, relative to your forearm being in a horizontal position, is such that your wrist is stretched down and a forward.
I guess what the article is suggesting is that your wrist and hands should always be in line with your forearms and when they are not you will cause stress to nerves which in turn will cause numbness to finger extremities and the location will depend on whether you are stretching your wrist down or up. I continue to try and improve my relative arm/wrist/hand positioning but still get some numberness periodically on longer rides, and when it happens I simply sit up and let my arm hang and shake the hand around to get blood flowing more freely.
Hope this helps. If I can remember the article I will post the name and magazine.
The Globe and Mail, Life section, Thursday May 27, 2010, page L3 "The Science of Sport".
It states: ......Make sure to keep your wrists roughly straight. Bending them back (when handlebar is grabbed in lower position) can hyperextend the ulnar nerve, leading to numbness on the outer part of the hand called "handlebar palsy." Bending them forward (when gripping the top of handlebars) can cause carpal tunnel syndrome by compressing the median nerve, making the inner part of the hand feel numb.
Hyperextension - ulnar nerve overstretched when handlebar is gripped in lower position ......numbness,outside or middle of forearm to little finger.
Compression - pressure on median nerve from gripping top of handlebars.....numbness, tingling in the thumb, index, middle ring finger, wekaness in hand.
The article also references a source - Hughston Health Alert.
Thanks for posting rlamoca. The information is great but what it does not address is "why".
Handlebars are not meant to support your upper body weight. They help with balance and control steering. When we get tired, we tend to sit heavier in the saddle and handlebar as your tired legs stop supporting your body weight.
The excess pressure on your hands/nerves causes the sensation pending how you are holding the bars.
Strong abs and a well fitted bike (yes, seat angle is part of bike fit) will alleviate the issue.
I think stronger core will be something that I need to work on over the long-term as a general fitness goal. I'll be continuing to cycle after the Ride and hope to be back on the course next year too. For this year, I'm going to keep icing my wrists after I ride, tilt my seat back a wee bit, and maybe wear a tensor bandage on my wrists while Im' riding (over my gloves) for the added padding.
See you all in ten days!!!
------------------------------- Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda