I realize this doesn't DIRECTLY relate to the ride, yet it does.
My brother, Gerald Mori, lost his battle against cancer today at 3;50 p.m. He fought leukemia for ages. he had a bone marrow transplant at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto in early June, was sick in Sunnybrook from June 19th, 2009 to today. I saw him yesterday and he was not well, we knew he was dying fast. He looked at me and asked if he was dying and i said Yes. He sighed. "well, great. I didn't plan on losing." He asked what I'd do for the rest of my life and I told him I was doing this ride, the M200 one, and what that was, that it was for PMH. His very yellow eyes held mine and I wanted to share THIS with all of you riding. "That's really great. You doing this for me?" "Absolutely. For you. It'll help others beat this, Jerry." "Good for you. Tell the people riding it that thanks. I wish I could see you all in the yellow shirts doing this for the hospital. It was a great hospital."
He'll see it. I told him he'll have the best seat for it. maybe a little wave a the start and finish line for Jerry Mori.
R.I.P. Gerald Wayne Mori: July 27th, 1964--November 27th, 2009 This Ride's for you, Little Brother.
Riding for my brother who had a bone marrow transplant at PMH in June and is STILL sick in Sunnybrook. Get better Jerry! Riding as a cancer survivor of coming on 20 years myself!
My thoughts and condolences to you and your family.
I see that you are riding alone in 2010 and I'm inviting you to join our Team @ Steve's Cycle Paths as most of us are doing the 200 miles. Please feel free to email me at dwinckler@salisteel.com.
I will be walking a lot to train for the cool weather as i don't have gloves and such, but would love to join a team. I'm laying away on a bike for the ride and desperately trying to raise funds. If one more person says they can't do even ten dollars, but say so with a Starbucks coffee in hand, i may scream.
i have some more donations coming in. Perhaps some of my brother's friends will NOW donate.
I'll email.
Riding for my brother who had a bone marrow transplant at PMH in June and is STILL sick in Sunnybrook. Get better Jerry! Riding as a cancer survivor of coming on 20 years myself!
Dave, I apologize. I called you Steve. I'm just frazzled with Jerry dying and all.
I tried to email and it came back, system administrator bounce back.
Email at chase.cameron@live.com when you can. I will be online later today.
Riding for my brother who had a bone marrow transplant at PMH in June and is STILL sick in Sunnybrook. Get better Jerry! Riding as a cancer survivor of coming on 20 years myself!
My sympathy to you and your family. Good for you for doing the ride, more people need to hear stories such as this. I have two good friends battling cancer at the moment, breast and myeloma and my sister had her kidney removed this summer as it was cancerous. Sure makes you look at this ride and challenge differently. Kathy
Chase, sorry I just read your post.. am so sorry for you loss. I hope we get some training rides in together in the spring. I'm sure your brother will be with you on the ride ! Take care Steve
Steve, online again. Bike will be replaced march 31st and i am looking forward to training. so far, only 265 in sponsors. I'm working it hard though, you tube and all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7TtmbKx-KQ
Tis long, but I'm trying..well, 4 minutes. took 1.5 hrs to upload at McDonalds at like midnight. I'm making up the business cards next month, emailing everyone. I'll get there.
Never Give Up; Never Surrender! Strength in Numbers. Livestrong!