If you are in the west end of the city, RPM Spinning and Gravity Studio offers a specialized winter training program - exlusive to RTCC riders - to help you get through the winter months and get in shape for The Ride. I did this program last winter and it made a tremendous difference to my fitness level once I got on the road in the spring. If you would like to get more info (details below) we are having an information session on Thursday October 22nd at 7:30. RPM is located in Bloor West Village (east of the Runnymede subway station). If you have not yet registered for 2010 we will have registration forms on hand. http://rpmstudio.ca/index.php/events
Tom Ostler Bloor West Village Idiots
The 12 week winter training program will begin Jan 17, 2010 specifically designed for riders of all skill levels. Sessions are on Sundays at 2pm and are 2 hours in length. This program is structured to build endurance, aerobic fitness, strength and power by instructors that have done the ride. Additional items covered are bike selection and setup , basic emergency repairs, nutrition and hydration. Cost of the program is $275+GST and space is limited. Registered participants also receive a 10% discount on Wednesday spin classes from 7:30 - 8:30Register by contacting Doug Evans doug@rpmstudio.ca