Hey Brian, I occasionally go to Ajax to ride with my brother in law, who is also a first year rider. I'll probably be in Ajax next weekend. If there's anyone else interested I'll give details later this week.
A little bit about our Team. We were ranked 3rd overall in 2008, took 1st overall in 2009 for fundraising. We have members from all over Ontario and a few from the US as well, we try to train together in the various regions we live inand also try and fundraise together as well.
Our team is Steve's Cycle Paths, call in on Monday and ask to be transfered to our team, we had 100 riders last year and we raised $420,000, we are looking to expand to 150 riders and raise $600,000.
If you'd like to be added to our riding schedule, please email me directly at dave@tracksidepools.com.
I'd recommend checking out the Oshawa Cycling Club http://oshawacyclingclub.org/ I'm not a member but rode their Ride4UnitedWay Century ride at the end of last summer, it was a great event and ride to say the least! Think there were about 500 riders for the event. Even if you don't hook up with them for training I recommend signing up for that ride. It's a great one day event, maybe a bit challenging terrain as there are a lot more rolling hills.