My biking buddy may have to bail at the last minute because of a family emergency, so I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who might have room for an extra rider on their team, or who wants someone to ride with.
I'm a steady rider rather than a speedy one, averaging 20-25km/h I guess, with a road bike that's far more bike than I deserve. I can change my own flats, and usually come equipped with a pretty mean trail mix. I've never ridden a proper paceline, and don't think it's a good idea to start that now.
Those with peanut allergies need not apply, or if they do apply, need to stay clear of the trail mix.
Messages here are welcome, or email me at jguttsman at hotmail dot com.
There is a bunch of us that trained together this spring that are going to meet up at the first pit stop and ride the rest of day 1 together. We plan on riding around 20km/h and making all the stops on Saturday. Then on Sunday some of us will jump up to around 25km/h. If you want to join us, you can e-mail me at we will probably have about 20 - 25 people for Saturday.