Day 1 is pretty hilly; day 2 is very flat (only one fairly nasty hill).
If you go to the routes on Bikely, you can choose "Elevation Profile" from the "Show" menu in the top left of the window. That brings up an elevation map of the full ride.
You'll see from those maps that Day 1 was pretty hilly - but not impossible. I'm an overweight, mostly out of shape wannabe, and I made it okay. Just take the hills at a pace that is comfortable for you. This isn't a race, it's a ride.
Having said that, I sure encourage you to get out and do some hills in the weeks leading up to the ride.
There is no guarantee this route will be the same for 2009. Also, if you are going to go out and ride it, be careful. Without having our fearless traffic crew out there the roads will be busy in this area. In most cases i would advise to ride your own training loops and stay away from the course.
my sister and I rode north of Milton last weekend and rode some of the "day 1" route and it seems to be a common weekend cycling route. It's pretty much safe, you just have to be aware and use common sense. By the way, we did 125k ahem!!
dasfx: As AJDad001 said, it is hilly but nothing unmanageable...
I'm a pretty out of shape guy myself and did very little training. I managed to ride through the entire route on my 15 year old sears mountain bike. There were a few hills that have a lot of people walking up them, and there's no shame in that.
Like they say, it isn't a race... Good thing, because I certainly did not finish very quickly :)
Anyone know where/ when we find out about this year's route? I have people hoping to be along the route in places to cheer (they live in different areas pretty close to where the 2008 route went.
The Hamilton Mountain climb WAS killer at the end of the day... How ever, I am grossly overweight and last year I was ridiculously underprepared and I managed to ride of the hill... granted it took me forever, sometimes getting on and off with having only covered a metre or two, BUT I did it...
Keep in mind also that you can always flag down a sweep vehicle! That is what I am planning on doing this year. I know I can make up the mountain, and I also know that the ride is more than 200km so i am more than fine with being driven up that part, especially since my knees are giving me trouble and I have been sick this week (can you hear me preparing the excuses???? lol) Seriously though, there is no shame in asking for help.
Good luck and enjoy the ride!
Positivity is NOT about being soft.
It's about being SMART!
You suckkaaaaaaa! ;)
Anyone know where/ when we find out about this year's route? I have people hoping to be along the route in places to cheer (they live in different areas pretty close to where the 2008 route went.
The ride office is just as tight-lipped about the route this year as they were last year - some nonsense about changing the route if there is road construction or something. However, the announced cheering stations are the same as last year, so I'm speculating that the route is going to be very close to last year's.
The route map you will receive on Saturday morning (and not a minute before) will be too vague for you to really tell people where the route is going to be.
If you want to be sure your friends see you, have them go to one of the "cheering stations".
The route on day 2 looks to be different. The lunch spot has changed and there is a cheering station at rockway cominity center which is also new this year I think
I just want to say THANKS to all who have said, not to worry if you have to walk up the hills..haha...that has been my fear this whole time, as I know how the hills in Hamilton could be. Everyone, have a great ride and see you at the finish line